Counts the number of unique visitor IDs
Essentially this is user count though this can be slightly inflated since new user IDs are generated by adobe analytics when:
A user clears their browser’s cache (cookie deletion)
A user opens a different browser
A user opens the website on a different device
A user opens a private browsing session (also referred to as incognito mode)
Counts the number of browsing sessions across all visitors
Each visitor can have multiple visits to the website
In adobe analytics a session will end if:
There are more than 30 minutes of inactivity
There are more than 12 hours of activity
There are more than 2500 hits
100 hits occur in 100 seconds
However a new visit will not start if less than 30 minutes since the last hit:
A visitor closed their browser but then navigates to your site again
A visitor changes their internet network (ex. Moves from wired to wireless)
A visitor switches between web browser tabs which visiting the website
Page views
Counts the number of a times a page was viewed
This is done via page view tracking calls
Counts the times web data is recorded
Each visit is comprised of at least 1 hit
CTA Clicks
This is any click a user makes on a ‘Call to Action’ (CTA) on the site such as a link, information source, or button to a different page
May be inconsistent when comparing pre-oADD to post-oADD data
Pageviews per Visit
Average page views per a visit
Average Time on Site
Average time on site in seconds
New Visitors % of Overall
Percent of visitors who are new (had their first visit to an AoA site) in the selected time period.
T3 Visitors with a VDP View
Percent of Tier 3 (dealer site) visitors who have viewed a VDP
T1 or T2 > T3 Cross-Tier Visitors
The amount of visitors who have navigated to a dealer site (T3) from either a regional (T2) or national site (T1).
T1 or T2 > T3 Cross-Tier Nav Rate
The % of T3 visitors who have navigated to a dealer site (T3) from either a regional (T2) or national site (T1).
VDP Pageviews per Visitor
The amount of total VDP pageviews divided by visitors.
Visitors with a VDP View
The amount of visitors who have viewed a VDP during one of their visits.
Includes T1 and T2 VDPs.
Lead Start VDP Any Tier
The amount of lead starts that occurred on a VDP across all tiers.
Lead Start VDP Rate
Percentage of visitors who start a lead.
Lead Start
Occurs when a user clicks to begin a lead on a CTA with text indicating it will start a lead (ex. ‘Request a quote,’ ‘Contact Dealer,’ etc.)
This does not guarantee that the user engages with the lead form
Lead Start Rate
Lead starts divided by visitors
Lead Start Any Tier
Occurs when a user clicks to begin a lead on a CTA including ‘Request a quote,’ ‘Contact Dealer,’ etc on Tier 1 (National sites), Tier 2, or Tier 3 (dealer sites)
This does not guarantee that the user engages with the lead form
Successful Form Submissions
Triggers when the user reaches a form confirmation page after clicking through to submit a form
Form Submission Rate
Successful Form Submissions divided by the total visitors
DR Form Starts
Triggers when a user clicks to begin a lead on a CTA including ‘Request a quote,’ ‘Contact Dealer,’ etc. on Tier 3
DR stands for Digital Retailing
DR pencils
Triggers when a user interacts with a DR form
DR Leads Submitted
Triggers when the user reaches a form confirmation page after clicking through to submit a form
Note that this will only fire on DR tools that have been integrated with Adobe Analytics
DR Form Start to Submit Rate
Successful DR Form Submissions divided by the total visitors to the given tier(s)
Configurator Start
Any hit to a configurator page
This does not guarantee the user engages with the configurator
Configurator Complete
Any time a user navigates away from the configurator to another page or anytime user clicks inside shipping summary field (except enlarge image)
Acquisition Channel
The marketing channel through which the user first interacted with an Audi website (Any Tier)
The marketing channel through which a user began a visit
The city of a user
This data relies on an internal Adobe Analytics lookup via IP address from their partner, Digital Element
Conversion Channel
The channel of the visits that included conversion events
Cross-Tier Visitor Type
The previous Audi web experience a user was browsing during their visit prior to entering a dealer site. Either T1 (National), T2 (Regional), or T12 (Both).
Form Location
The category of page for the given form
Form Name
The name of the form
May be inconsistent when comparing pre-oADD to post-oADD data
Pre-oADD form titles were assigned by DDC
Landing Page
The first web page of a visit
Vehicle model name
T1 Channel
Channel associated with a visit based on the Tier 1 tracking code present in the user’s url query parameters when they entered Tier 1.
ZIP Code
The ZIP code of a visitor pulled from Adobe Analytics’ internal geolocation data