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Executive Summary

The Executive Summary Dashboard provides a comprehensive overview of your dealership’s digital performance.

Updated over 5 months ago

Dashboard Overview

The Executive Summary Dashboard provides a comprehensive overview of your dealership’s digital performance. Here you can see how online shoppers are interacting with your dealership’s website and find behaviors most predictive of sales. The Executive Summary Dashboard also provides a quality score for your online shoppers called the Audi Experience Index (AXI) which assesses their activity and likelihood to buy, as well as comparison data with similar dealerships, referred to as Dealers Like Me. Each module includes detailed insights into specific areas of your business.

Each module in the executive summary is defined below.


The key performance indicators (KPIs) for your dealership’s website are consolidated into a single module at the top of the Executive Summary Dashboard. Numeric data is provided for each indicator for the chosen time period. When selected, each indicator is plotted on the chart showing the daily trend compared against the chosen comparison period.

The following indicators are included in the KPI Tabs module. Each indicator provides a total number for the chosen time period, as well as the percent change from the selected comparison period.

  • Visitors: Measures the total number of website visitors. This indicator also shows the Visitor Return Rate which is the percentage of visitors that came back to your website for a subsequent visit. Shoppers that return to the website multiple times are more likely to make a purchase.

  • Vehicle Detail Page (VDP) Views: Measures the total number of VDP views on your website. This indicator also shows VDP Views Per Visitor which is the average number of VDP views per visitor during the chosen time period.

  • Website Leads are defined as all leads submitted that were submitted on T1, T2 or T3 websites. This includes all leads with the follow Source Names:

    • Brand Websites

    • Tier II

    • Dealer Websites

    • Dealer Websites - After Sales

    • Digital Retailing

    • Digital Retailing - Online

    This data comes from Unite Digital.

    • This indicator also shows the Form Submission Rate which is the percentage of visitors to your website who submit a lead form.

  • Sales: Measures the total number of sales attributed to your website. This indicator also shows the Digital Lead Close Rate which is the percentage of digital leads that result in a sale.

Daily Sales Pacing

Daily Sales Pacing tracks the daily progress of sales attributed to your website to ensure that you’re on track to meet your monthly sales goals. The monthly sales goals for your dealership are calculated using historical data for your dealership as well as comparison data from Dealers Like You

In addition, this module provides supporting inventory metrics to help monitor how inventory is moving. For each metric, a daily trend is indicated with an up, down, or neutral arrow and the percent change from the previous day.

  • Days Supply: Measures how many days your current inventory level will last based on your daily sales pacing.

  • Avg Days on Lot: Measures the average number of days that your current vehicle inventory has been on your lot.

  • Turn Rate: What percentage of your inventory sells in the selected time frame? (Formula: Total sales during selected period / The number of VINs available during the time period)

Metric Pacing

Metric Pacing consolidates eight key performance indicators (KPIs) for your dealership’s website that provide essential insights into your website performance and its effectiveness as a sales engine. Each indicator includes numeric data for the chosen time period as well as daily and monthly targets. The line chart shows your monthly cumulative sales against the monthly target.

The following indicators are included in the Metric Pacing module. Each indicator provides a total number for the chosen time period and the associated bar charts include a daily target for each. These indicators help guide marketing and website optimization efforts and give teams the right tools to answer the question of “how is our website performing?”

  • Sales

  • High AXI Visitors

  • Visitors

  • VDP Views

  • Direct Pencils

  • Direct Leads

  • Website Leads

  • T1 Referrals

Visitor AXI Score

The Audi Experience Index (AXI) is a scoring metric that assigns a value to online behaviors throughout the customer purchase journey. Higher scores indicate deeper engagement and a stronger inclination to purchase. AXI can be aggregated into a Visitor AXI Score which is a single score out of 10 that can be used to gauge overall website performance.

Visitor AXI Score is calculated each month and compared month-over-month as a percentage change. The line graph plots the average daily AXI score of all of your website visitors.

Each visitor that lands on your website is given a score based on the amount of High Value Actions (HVAs) they perform across the entire Audi ecosystem (Tiers 1-3). The top 10 HVAs, ranked in order of value, are shown, along with the number of website visitors who have taken each action.

Best Opportunities - High AXI Leads

Best Opportunities - High AXI Leads is a list of each website lead, the high value actions (HVAs) they performed, and their quality, expressed as a Visitor AXI Score. Each website lead is scored using the Audi Experience Index (AXI) methodology indicating the AXI scores of each lead submitted. Atlas continuously monitors online shopping behavior that most often results in a sale. Actions like investigating financing options, exploring inventory on site, and submitting a lead form are ranked to provide you valuable information about trending behaviors.

The module provides an overview of the total number of high AXI leads submitted during the chosen time period, and the percentage of high AXI leads to total leads. High AXI lead close rate is also calculated and compared to the average lead close rate.

Each lead submitted on your dealership website is assigned a unique ID. A comprehensive list of leads can be found here. This module only includes leads that have a Visitor AXI Score of 7.0 or higher. For each High AXI Lead, the HVAs they performed before submitting their lead are listed, along with the date their lead was submitted. Lead Source is the type of lead in which their online activity leading up to a lead submission originated. Model is the vehicle in which they expressed interest. By default, the leads are submitted in descending order by visitor AXI score.

Leads - Marketing Channel

Leads-Marketing Channel tracks total website traffic per marketing channel for a chosen time period, and shows how many website visitors per channel submit T3 leads and what the AXI score of a given channel is.

The marketing channels included in this module are:

  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM): Visitors who arrive at your website through a paid advertisement in search engine results pages (SERPs).

  • Organic Search: Visitors who arrive at your website through search engine results pages (SERPs) by clicking a link made visible by search engine optimization (SEO) practices.

  • Direct: Visitors who navigate directly to your website by typing into their browser.

  • Email: Visitors who arrive at your website by clicking on a link in an email marketing campaign.

  • Display: Visitors who arrive at your website through display advertising, which involves the placement of visual ads, such as banners, images, or multimedia content, on third-party websites or online platforms.

  • Tier 1 Referral: Visitors who arrive at your website by clicking on a link from a Tier 1 website.

  • Social: visitors who arrive at your website by clicking a link in a paid or unpaid post on a social media platform.

By integrating website traffic data with leads and sales data, it is possible to follow a single visitor through their entire digital journey, from their website visit, to lead submission to sale.

VDP Exposure

Vehicle Detail Page (VDP) Exposure shows which vehicle model and trim combinations are getting the most views and leads on your website, and their average days on lot. For each vehicle model and trim package, the module provides the total number of VINs currently available at your dealership, as well as the average number of VDP views and leads submitted for each VIN. For each metric the trend is indicated with the percent change from the comparison period.

This module helps measure the effectiveness of your website and marketing in driving views to all the vehicles at your dealership. Each metric is being compared to the site average; so you’ll be able to see whether each vehicle group has more or less VDP Views, leads and days on the lot than the site average.

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