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Updated over 5 months ago

Note about the Website Lead definition:

Website Leads are defined as all leads submitted that were submitted on T1, T2 or T3 websites. This includes all leads with the follow Source Names:

  • Brand Websites

  • Tier II

  • Dealer Websites

  • Dealer Websites - After Sales

  • Digital Retailing

  • Digital Retailing - Online

This data comes from Unite Digital.

ATLAS is a comprehensive solution designed to help you monitor and optimize the entire digital experience for your shoppers, not just your website. It provides critical lead and website metrics alongside website metrics, allowing you to understand your lead performance within the broader context of your customer's digital journey. This holistic approach ensures that you can make informed decisions to enhance the overall digital experience.

To ensure consistency with other available tools, the Leads Dashboard offers a high-level leads overview that displays key lead KPIs at a glance, enabling you to quickly assess your lead performance. Additionally, ATLAS calculates and displays the average AXI score of your leads, providing valuable insights into lead quality. By combining lead performance data, website metrics, and lead quality insights, ATLAS empowers you to optimize your digital presence effectively and drive better results.

Best Opportunities - High AXI Leads

Best Opportunities - High AXI Leads is a list of each T3 lead, the high value actions (HVAs) they performed, and their quality, expressed as a Visitor AXI Score. Each of these leads is scored using the Audi Experience Index (AXI) methodology indicating which leads are submitted by more highly engaged digital users. Atlas continuously monitors online shopping behavior that most often results in a sale. Actions like investigating financing options, exploring inventory on site, and submitting a lead form are ranked to provide you valuable information about trending behaviors.

The module provides an overview of the total number of high AXI leads submitted during the chosen time period, and the percentage of high AXI leads to total leads. High AXI lead close rate is also calculated and compared to the average lead close rate.

For each High AXI Lead, the HVAs they performed before submitting their lead are listed, along with the date their lead was submitted.

Daily Lead Pacing

Pacing against a target is a great way to monitor your performance throughout the month. It helps you make corrections if you need to, or see how a particular strategy might be working. Currently, you can see your website leads pacing against the previous time period in the comp.

When you toggle to EV or ICE you can see the daily T3 leads submitted for each engine type.

Leads - Marketing Channel

Leads-Marketing Channel tracks total T3 website traffic per marketing channel for a chosen time period, and shows how many website visitors per channel submit leads and ultimately convert to a sale.

The marketing channels included in this module are:

  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM): Visitors who arrive at your website through a paid advertisement in search engine results pages (SERPs).

  • Organic Search: Visitors who arrive at your website through search engine results pages (SERPs) by clicking a link made visible by search engine optimization (SEO) practices.

  • Direct: Visitors who navigate directly to your website by typing into their browser.

  • Email: Visitors who arrive at your website by clicking on a link in an email marketing campaign.

  • Display: Visitors who arrive at your website through display advertising, which involves the placement of visual ads, such as banners, images, or multimedia content, on third-party websites or online platforms.

  • Tier 1 Referral: Visitors who arrive at your website by clicking on a link from a Tier 1 website.

  • Social: visitors who arrive at your website by clicking a link in a paid or unpaid post on a social media platform.

By integrating website traffic data with leads and sales data, it is possible to follow a single visitor through their entire digital journey, from their website visit, to lead submission to sale.

Form Submission Overview

One of the most important sources for leads is form submissions on both your website as well as Tier 1. The Form Submission Overview module represents all of your website visits for the selected time period, broken down by the channel they navigated to your site website from. The outer ring of the donut chart shows the proportion of website visits by channel, while the inner ring shows the proportion of form submissions by channel. Numeric data for each channel is available on hover and in the table underneath the chart.

Comparing the proportion of forms to website visits is an important measure of channel performance since it lets you know which channels are “pulling their weight” with respect to lead generation. If a typically lower funnel channel is responsible for a large proportion of visits, but a small proportion of leads, it may be an indicator that it’s time to reassess your marketing strategy.

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