For metric definitions, click here.
City & Zip Code
City and ZIP code are built-in Adobe Analytics dimensions. Adobe utilizes IP addresses to locate users, however, these IP addresses are never stored.
Note that the dashboards only display zipcodes and cities for visitors it can locate; this is usually around 40-60% of visitors.
The 3 cross-tier segments are all visit scoped, meaning the cross tier behavior must occur in the same visit through a direct navigation from one tier to the other. For additional information and examples, click here.
T1>T3 Only: A visit began on Tier 1 and had a click through to T3. There was no additional cross-tier movement back to T1.
T3>T1 Only: A visit began on Tier 3 and had a click through to T1. There was no additional cross-tier movement back to T3.
Multiple Crossovers: A visit had multiple crossovers between Tier 1 and Tier 3 in the same visit.
CTA Text
The CTA text a user clicks to trigger an event. These include buttons, arrows, thumbnails, etc. The text displayed in the dashboard is the same text as viewed on the website, however, if there is no text and only an icon is clicked, the text displayed may not be obvious.
Some examples:
VDP image thumbnails
CTA Text = “clickaction”
Top OneHeader Navigation
CTA Text = “headernavigation [LABEL]”
Dealer Primary Navigation
CTA Text = “navigation [LABEL]”
Dealer Primary Subnavigation
“sub navigation [LABEL]”
The device category of the visit. Visits can be categorized as either Desktop or Non-Desktop. Non-Desktop includes mobile, tablet and other devices.
Form Name
The name/type of the form. Atlas data includes native forms that require a user to submit contact information to the dealer. Digital Retailing, Service Scheduler and other 3rd party tools are not tracked. The primary oADD form names:
VTP Lead: Forms submitted on inventory (VLP/VDP) pages. These will always have a vehicle of interest included in the submission.
General Lead: A general contact form, such as the one on Contact Us pages. These do not have a vehicle of interest.
There are also forms collected from the legacy Cox websites. These may include form names such as:
Landing Page
The first page in a visitor’s visit. This can be viewed at the URL or at the page category rollup level.
Tier 1 landing pages in these views indicate that a visit began on T1 and then that visitor crossed over to T3.
(Other Tier 3 dealer entry page) aggregate all visits that began on another T3 site and ultimately navigated over to your website within the same visit.
Marketing Channel
Utilizing marketing channel rollup logic, IXIS categorizes traffic entering dealer websites into channels. There is a separate set of channels used to categorize T1 national marketing efforts landing on Tier 1. These channels are designed to categorize dealer generated traffic landing on Tier 3.
For more information and channel rules, see marketing channel documentation.
This dimension is collected on any vehicle interaction, including VDP views or VDP/VLP form submissions. Aggregated at the model level (Q5, Q3, A3 Sedan, etc…)
Note that only Audi models are included in the model list. Used, non-Audi vehicles are displayed as “Unknown.”
Page Category
The page categories that URLs roll up into. These rely on URL strings, so if the core URL structure is altered significantly, page categorization may incorrectly group URLs.
The oADD site category rules are as follows. Note that this is just a description, we also include more advanced regular expression logic to achieve maximum coverage.
Homepage: URL ends with ‘/en/’
VDP: URL contains ‘en/inventory/vehicle’
VLP: URL contains ‘en/inventory’ -- excludes VDP ‘/vehicle’ URLs
Service: URL contains ‘service’
Specials & Finance: URL contains ‘finance’
Parts: URL contains ‘parts’
Contact Dealer: URL contains ‘contact’
About Us: URL contains ‘about us’
Page Path
Page URLs. These can be rolled up into page category. We exclude query parameters from the URL string, except for VDP URLs. The query parameters used to identify VDPs are broken out in order to display individual VDP performance.
Referring Domain
The external domain referring traffic to the website.
Vehicle Type
Allows you to break out vehicles and models into New and Used. Used includes CPO.
UTM Parameters
Atlas collects “UTM_Source”, “UTM_Medum” and “UTM_Campaign” values.