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Website Metric Dictionary

Definitions and descriptions of the core oADD metrics.

Updated yesterday

For dimension definitions, click here.

Avg. AXI Score

The average Audi eXperience Index (AXI) score. For information on AXI, including how it's calculated and it's use cases, see the AXI documentation.

Avg. Time on Page

Avg time a visitor spent on this page in seconds

Avg. Time on Site

The average duration of the site visit in seconds.

Bounce Rate

% of website visits that only have a single pageview


Single page visits / total visits

Contact Form Submission Rate

The percentage of visits that have a contact form submission.


Visits with a contact form submission / total visits

Contact Form Submissions

Total number of submitted contact forms. If a user submits multiple forms during a visit, each submission will be counted. For additional information on forms, see documentation on the Form Name dimension.

Cross-Tier Navigation Rate

% of total visits that had a cross-tier navigation.


Total Cross-Tier Visits/Total Visits

For more information on the cross-tier navigation types, see the Cross-Tier FAQs.

Cross-Tier Visits

The total visits that had a cross-tier navigation in a single visit.

For more information on the cross-tier navigation types, see the Cross-Tier FAQs.

CTA Clicks

Total clicks on any CTA. This includes on buttons, images, filters and any other clickable site element. Often used in conjunction with Click Text dimension.

Form Start Clicks

Total clicks on CTAs that opens contact forms.

High AXI Visitors

The number of visitors that had an AXI score between 7-10.

For information on AXI, including how it's calculated and it's use cases, see the AXI documentation.

Page Exit Rate

% of visits exiting the site from this page (the last page in a visit)


Exits on a page / visits containing this page


Total number of pages viewed. Multiple views of the same page are counted.

Pageviews per Visit

The number of pages viewed in a single visit.


Total Pageviews / Total Visits

T1 Configurator Complete - % of Tier 3 Visits

% of Tier 3 visits that also completed a configuration on the T1 Configurator. A completed configuration is defined as interacting with the Summary field on the final screen. This action occurs on a cross-tier visit.

T1 Configurator View - % of Tier 3 Visits

% of Tier 3 visits that also interacted with the Configurator on T1. This action occurs on a cross-tier visit.

T1 Contact Form Submission - % of Tier 3 Visits

% of Tier 3 visits that submitted a contact form. This action occurs on a cross-tier visit.

T1 Inventory View - % of Tier 3 Visits

% of Tier 3 visits that viewed the T1 Inventory (T1 VLP). This action occurs on a cross-tier visit.

T1 MLP View - % of Tier 3 Visits

% of Tier 3 visits that also interacted with a T1 Model Landing Page (MLP.) This action occurs on a cross-tier visit.

VDP Pageviews

Total number of Vehicle Detail Page (VDP) pageviews. Multiple views of the same VDP are all counted.

VDP Pageviews per Visit

Number of VDPs viewed during a visit.


VDP Pageviews / Total visits


Total count of unique visitor IDs identified on the site. Note that browser cookie settings can impact these numbers.


Total unique sessions during the selected date range. A single visitor can have multiple visits if they return to the site multiple times.

Visits with a Contact Form Submission

Visits that have at least 1 contact form submission. If a user submits multiple forms in a single visit, that will still only count once.

Visits with a VDP View

Total visits with at least 1 VDP pageview.

% Disconnect Clicks

% of visits that click "Disconnect" in the T1 header Connected Dealer dropdown. This action occurs on a cross-tier visit.

% New Visitors

% of visitors that had their first visit to the site during the selected time range.


Visitors with visit number = 1 / total visitors

% Pageviews w/ CTA Click

% of pageviews that have a certain CTA click. Used in conjunction with the Click Text dimension.

% Visits with Form Start

% of visits that have at least one click on a CTA that opens a contact form.

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